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Timing how to ? and running lumpy

have just put my cf engine back together and it runs a bit lumpy, sounds nice and sweet and tappets are reasonably quiet, when i put the cam housing on (one of many times to get valve clearance) i was turning it over by hand to adjust vavles without the cam belt and felt some resistance at some point, later realising one of the valves (no 1) may have touched the piston,
i have done a compression test , no4 = 130, no 3 = 130, no 2 =130 no1 =120,
no 1 is the cylinder where i thought a valve may have touched the piston,
could this be the reason for running lumpy, it has just passed the mot emission test with flying colours

timing, how can i check i have the timing spot on ?
i lined the dots on the two top pulleys and had no 1 at tdc when i put the belt back on, i also marked the belt before i took it off and it has gone back where it came off, i also dont have a timing cover so no marks to go by ,it is also electric ignition
any input appreciated


Mon 05 Mar 2012 @ 21:23 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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Cylinder compression figures are good & could even out once the engine has settled in. Valve/s touching pistons when turning camshaft less likely to cause damage than turning crankshaft; hard to bend valve/s turning engine by hand anyway.

Set up as for belt timing using the TDC mark on the front of the crankcase -

Then turn engine almost 2 turns clockwise to align the shoulder of the tooth clockwise from the key with the TDC mark: this will be 9 degree BTDC.

Using the 3/8-inch UNF threaded hole in the crankcase below the tensioner pulley, attach a bent strip of metal so that its end is close to the V belt pulley timing pointer (or mark if a cast pulley).

Mark metal strip for 9 degree for ignition timing. (Can also add TDC mark on strip after re-aligning pulleys as for belt timing.)

When checking ignition timing with a strobe lamp, once timing set for No 1 cylinder connect lamp to coil HT lead to check for distributor 'wobble' - crankshaft pulley pointer or mark will appear as double image with a few degrees spacing if distributor mainshaft worn or bent.


Mon 05 Mar 2012 @ 22:42 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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