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Colin Birch
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If any of you are thinking of going to Portmadoc, don't bother. You won't be able to park in any of the car parks. We went there last month and had to tour around back streets until we could find a space It's a shame as it's a lovely town that I've been visiting for at least the last 30 years.

Colin Birch - CF-UK Admin
Pontypridd, S.Wales
The Bedford CF Web Site

Wed 21 May 2003 @ 13:40 View Colin Birch   Email Colin Birch   Colin Birch Home Page   Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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Hi Colin,
yes it appears to us to be getting worse where ever we go with height barriers, just the other day we went to our local country park and found that they had decided to put them up, so that was it for us, nowhere near to park, and up near the Wrekin height barriers everywhere..
If i am not mistaken MMM did/do run a update on areas with height restrictions..
I know they say its because of travellers, but its a bit of a pee off when you go to places like porthmadoc, and all around there Conwy etc and we are treated like 2nd class motorists, lets face it we put money in the economy of these places as we tend to stay and shop for provisions etc...

perhaps we could set up a section listing areas where any of us encounter restrictions, i know when we went to York last year we had to go round and round to find a place, ended up in a dive of a carpark by railway arches, a long way from the City...:(

best wishes


Thu 22 May 2003 @ 18:32 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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Tue 26 Aug 2003 @ 20:54 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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Yes my local beauty spot has put up height barriers and that was because of travellers - and they did trash the place while they were there. What's the answer to it ???


Fri 29 Aug 2003 @ 21:20 View Anon   Email Anon   Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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Hang em high

Nah Clint Eastwood's too busy over in the states

What about making the groups of travellers responsible for their rubbish by impounding one or more of their vehicles untill mess cleaned up.A sort of landlords' lien...failure to clean up resulting in sale of vehicle.
Such an onerous action would need to be displayed clearly on a notice board or enshrined in Statute


Sat 30 Aug 2003 @ 01:51 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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No Chance, their vans mean more to them than personal safety, do that then watch world war 111 break out. Got to stop them getting in in the first place.
Sat 30 Aug 2003 @ 15:58 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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Sometimes when travellers move on a vehicle or 2 are left behind anyway as they are various in behaviour and wherewithall. It is never fair to generalise but a lot of them do stick fingers up at Society when it suits them but are quite happy at the same time to take out and not put anything back in. When they took over King's Park in Bournemouth the mess left behind was disgusting and was left for someone else to clean up. I would like to see reasonable force used quickly to stop that type of thing before it gets out of hand with a national organisation trained to deal with it.... The real and responsible would be better off and they must feel worse than me about it as at the moment as they are being tarred with the same brush.


Mon 01 Sep 2003 @ 22:38 View Anon   Email Anon   Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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Hi Paul and All,
hope you get your Tranny sorted soon Paul and not too much dosh has to be spent..

This is a very difficult subject as you quite rightly say, there is normally a "Gypsy Liason Officer" appointed by the local council, but there is the problem!!! A lot of Local Councils fail in their legal resposibility under Statute to provide "Travellers Sites", in fact Terry a CF member is A Liason Officer, and i have talked with him in the past on the subject, and like you say to generalise is a mistake, There are many "Home Dwellers" who happily chuck litter from their vehicles, who dump stuff in the woods and country lanes etc etc..

only last week after the Cambridge gig we went down to Southend arriving about 4 in the morning and it looked like the local landfill site on the streets...Not Travellers just "Joe Public" it just appears to be an "attitude" problem by certain individuals, and like Anon says the travellers?????? vans are "sacred" to them... and the True Travelling People Romany's etc will leave the place they stop as good as when they found it, they too from speaking to them get just as pee'd off with the so called "Travellers" that cause them and US in fact to get tarred with the same brush...
The Answer!!! ??????? I dont really know if there is one, the thing of living in a democracy is that we will always have these dilema's, We would have to turn to a Fascist state to really deal with it,Concentration camps for any groups that were not "acceptable" and I dont think we would like that one bit...the status quo give them their own sites, make them pay rent etc and if they chose to live in their own trash then so be it, BUT! then the dilema arises, whose backyard is their site in????? No Win situation...looks like we are stuck with it...:?:?:?

Have a good week;]
best wishes,


Mon 01 Sep 2003 @ 23:08 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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On the subject of travellers.
A few years ago at my old place of work (an industrial site) we had a lot of them pull up near our warehouse. They came in and asked for some water, our then manager refused and asked them to leave the site. I remember saying somthing like "Oh come on live and let live and all that!" to which he said "I live in a mobile home and I use a caravan. I know what they want, they want to know what we do here and are just checking the place out!"
Two days later they had broke into eight companies on the estate and in three places they had deffecated on fork lift truck seats - may sound funny but not to your average Joe trying to earn a living and paying his/her taxes. The liason officer just shrugged and said "These are one of the better lot!"
So sadly my attitude has changed, and I am sorry but if these people want 'out' of society thats fine but why should I pay for it??!
If they can't or don't want to abide by acceptable behaviour then they don't deserve to be treated any better.
I am sure others have different views but we all have a right to our opinions, any sort of bigoted behaviour annoys me, but there are limits. I certainly do not wish to be tarred with the same brush as these people. Sorry but had to get that off my chest.
Tue 02 Sep 2003 @ 08:37 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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Hang em high pt 2

I still think that the right to impound vehicles... inforced by the police would solve it. No mess/damage/forced entry... then no problem.
Perhaps couple it with a much shorter staying period then perhaps all these convenient stopping areas could be reopened and the piles of dirt/boulders could be removed...;D

What do the authorities do in Scotland... which I hear is more tolerant:#... or d othey justy go round with their pooper scoopers


Tue 02 Sep 2003 @ 09:37 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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mark-would'nt like to think,that because i'm scottish,and driving a transit, that i'm going to be woke up and have my van impounded..for stopping overnight in a lay-by,scotland's more tolerant to everyone,including the english,so your still welcome,to come up,or are you anti-scottish? i'm sorry guys,i treat everyone as equals..
Tue 02 Sep 2003 @ 12:48 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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i met a nice chatty australian guy,(50ish)when i was wild camping,outside oban,he was talking about mcdonalds in australia,having to clean up their act,when i left in the morning,he had left all his rubbish, cant judge a book by it's cover.height restrictions are discriminating against,disabled who need high-top vehicles,cyclist's that carry bikes,aswell as vans and caravans,in loads of places "travellers" just would'nt go,so whats the point at the end of the day? are local authoritys,wanting to cut down on tourist's.
Tue 02 Sep 2003 @ 13:20 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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Well I don't think height barriers are the answer and neither are width restricters as they punish the innocent and are just an inconvenience to the troublemakers. Working with responsible members of the "travelling" community is a step in the right direction but stronger and quicker action is needed now or deterioration of the situation will continue until it eventually is so bad that fascist policy will look like the better alternative. Mark has a valid point and public support for the policing involved....????


Wed 03 Sep 2003 @ 10:12 View Anon   Email Anon   Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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in order for the police to enforce these tactics,
there would have to be an offence commited,mess-damage-forced entry-you can`t impound a vehicle for parking up or else we all fall under that catagory-so it appears to be a catch 22 situation
local authorities in all parts of the country have had years to solve this and haven`t.time for local councillors to have their ears nipped
and earn their wages,at the end of the day thats why we pay taxes and council tax being over the top in charges.anyway we could spend ages discusssing this and get no where except maybe
getting wound up,and arguing amongst ourselves.
Wed 03 Sep 2003 @ 12:12 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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Don't know if anyone else saw it, but a programme (I think it was 'street wars')showed a stolen car being driven through a city center at break neck speed, the police were chasing it when the driver went to an area used by travellers. The police drove up to the car and were surronded by a mob within seconds - the police solution??? grab the car and drive off quickly - so what kind of message does this send? As I have said, i believe in live and let live, having mixed race parents (and being very pround of them) I know a bit about victimisation and do not condole it in anyway, but live and let live has to work on both sides. Anglebox - my best mate at school was scottish and anyone who didn't know about it soon did. Personally in all my dealings with the anyone of 'celtic origin' I have yet to meet one I did not like (except one but thats a different story).
All I'm saying is, half the country lanes, laybys and bits of open land around our area have been closed off due to a few bad apples, this means I miss out because of others actions and that bloody well annoys me!
Wed 03 Sep 2003 @ 12:16 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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Yes agree with Alex about could spend for ever on this and argue amongst ourselves about it, Everyone who has posted is "Right".
If the laws exist then it is up to those who we "enpower" to use them not shy away, so that like all the posts show the Majority end up frustrated by lack of action.. the Modern disease alas!!
Shall we all settle with "Height barriers are a pain", and move on..?

Have a great week everyone, hope you and yours are all well;);]
very best wishes,


Wed 03 Sep 2003 @ 12:58 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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You`ve hit the nail on the head there Allan, in this country,we (Settle for it and put up with the Pain) thats why we `ve got what we`ve got, or more so HAVE`NT got. Bazzer


Wed 03 Sep 2003 @ 19:18 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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I've resurected this as something I saw on the box recently puts some things into perspective.
lets just divide us up into the law abiding and the none law abiding. you can decide which you are.
reading between the lines i came up with a shortened version of the message.
it is now policy to target the law abiding because;-
:| they are easier to catch
:| they are more likely to plead guilty recducing court time and costs
:| they are more likely to pay greater fines and on time.

in birmingham area it now costs £80 [going up to £120 soon I believe] if you are caught dropping litter. fixed penalty, payable in one lump
[alright it is a crime and something I hate and I'm not unhappy that something is finally being done about it]
the point is that when you compare it to some other fines imposed by the same courts
£70 for mugging some one and payable at £5.oo a week it becomes merely an exercise in rasing money for the councils and government and nothing more.
add to that
the environment officials have to be escorted by a policeman taking a cop off the beat.
councils also get to keep the fines from parking now so they are empployiong more people to be traffic wardens who also have to be escorted by a cop and taking yet another crime prevention officer off the beat.
now add to that
the police also get "commision " on the fines for speeding.
so now the traffic divisions are being enlarged to the detriment of the crime catching officers who are being reduced.

I wish I had recorded it.


Wed 02 Feb 2005 @ 00:20 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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