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Michael Hayes
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Perkins engine - cold start igniter wiring

I’m looking for advice on how to wire up the cold start igniter on a Perkins 4.154
I’ve figured out the ‘plumbing’ in with the fuel but can’t find any info online regarding the wiring in.
Thu 03 Nov 2022 @ 11:37 View Michael Hayes   Email Michael Hayes   Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
Gearbox Technician
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Location : Perth, Scotland
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Cold start


Could be fed off the key or a button switch from the battery 12volt supply, has it got a glow plug for each cylinder or a single glow plug in the manifold.

Fri 02 Dec 2022 @ 09:33 View Dougie   Email Dougie   Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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