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2 gear whine no 4th gear did I break it?

My 85 c.f. 250 camper had a great gearbox was smooth like butter when selecting gears. I recently moved house and filled the c.f. up with eveything from the house. After setting off, half hour into the journey I noticed a
whine in second gear that wasn't heard before. i can no longer select fouth gear.

Have I overloaded the van with stuff and stretched the gear linkage someway. 1 to 3 slip in like butter but it feels like fouth isn't being selected inside the box itself when I pull towards me on the gear stick. It a Vauxhall 4 speed. Your input is much appreciated. Thanks
Tue 29 Sep 2020 @ 16:46 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
Gearbox Technician
Posts : 235
Location : Perth, Scotland
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No four gear.

Hi Chem Z,

Sounds like a selector problem, the fact you are able to get third with the same selector fork, could also mean the sincro-hub has been damaged.
You don't say what mileage your CF has done, dropping off the bottom cover to check for any pieces of metal in the oil.
It sounds very sudden so my money would be on the selector or cross-shaft.

Tue 29 Sep 2020 @ 20:19 View Dougie   Email Dougie   Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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doujoy, thanks for reply. After moving house with everything inside the van and hearing the whine from the box. She sat two months before starting again. Just the other day I drove her only 1 mile after not driving her for two months and there was no 2nd gear whine at all.

however the day after when I drove her. the whine returned. She has done 100.000 miles on the clock, who knows the true mileage but the box was very good until now. I thought about replacing gearbox with fresh oil.

I normally drive around 500 miles a year at most in the c.f and that's all. would the second gear whine mean immediate failer of the box is comeing soon?

As a work around even though I can't select 4th. I'm still able to get somthing similar to 4th in 3rd gear by switching into overdrive. I will get her looked at later on but for now i shall wait to see what i can learn before asking a garage to take the box apart.


Wed 30 Sep 2020 @ 12:32 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
Gearbox Technician
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Location : Perth, Scotland
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Hi Chez Z,


An oil change is a good place to start and an additive might help quite a bit, try to get a graphite based additive because it is an overdrive gearbox it has a different main-shaft to that of the basic Bedford gearbox.
Make sure there is a good level of oil getting into the overdrive unit which has its own filter, most people never change the gearbox oil on these boxes mainly because very few have a drain plug which means removing the bottom plate to drain the oil, I have bottom plates fitted with drain plugs if you want one.
You could have one for the price of the postage, I rebuild gearboxes for these Bedford's and have done for a number of years so I know there weakest points.

Wed 30 Sep 2020 @ 17:11 View Dougie   Email Dougie   Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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