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Checks and adjustments.

Hi to all,

Over the last few days I have managed to squeeze in some of my own work on the Bedford putting things right that have came to light on the few short journey's I have done, in total about eighty miles and enough to check that all is as well as can be expected on an old thirty two year Bedford.



Tue 03 May 2016 @ 17:44 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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I wish you were close Doug, I would love to have your opinion on my b****y misfire, cant seem to track it down!
Wed 04 May 2016 @ 10:11 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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Still misfiring,

Hi Mike,

Tell me what you have not replaced? does your coil need a resistor on the low tension side feeding the points? or does your Bedford have a resistor wire in the loom? is the misfire on a cold engine or a hot engine, under load or there at tick-over?



Wed 04 May 2016 @ 17:32 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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Hi Doug

The misfire is at low revs under load mostly, putting your foot down up a hill for instance will bring it on but change down and generally it will disappear.

There is no obvious resistor in the circuit so I have assumed the resistance wire in in the harness as the manual describes though how I check for this I don't know.

I have changed the condenser, the rotor arm the distributor cap and the plugs and leads plus the coil (sports coil for a mini). This is the second distributor cap and the third set of leads - dont ask!) all new and all from ebay except the silicone plug leads which were bought locally.

Its running better now than it was but its not yet cured.

One thought I had was whether the coil was getting the full 12v from the ignition switch so I was going to take the cover off the column and check that when I get a moment.
Thu 05 May 2016 @ 09:45 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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Hi Mike,

A while back about six years ago I had a problem like yours and like you I changed all the usual causes of a misfire but it turned out to be the coil getting too hot so I fitted a new coil making sure it was one that was correct for the Bedford CF.
I was at a rally in Kelso when it broke down and it ran well enough on the way back, but I have since then move the coil and mounted it so that it earths through the body and not the inlet-manifold and I find it runs much better.
And it is away from the direct heat of the engine and higher up on the bulk-head
with a plastic polly type bag to protect it from any road spray in the wet, my old Bedford is a late 1980 reg. but a friend down in Edinburgh has the same reg. but on a CF one type body, mine has a resistor wire but his has the resistor mounted on the low tension side of the coil.
Hope this is of some help in curing your misfire.



Thu 05 May 2016 @ 12:31 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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intermittent misfire

Hello Mike. I had a misfire on a cortina ,felt electrical but was a small quantity of water in the carb float chamber which was moving around and would block the main jet, then when the engine shook and the revs dropped it would move. Another possible is a wire in the ignition feed to the engine may be breaking down. Try moving the wiring about to see if you can provoke the problem. Putting your foot down going uphill will move the engine on its mountings, driving with the cover off so you can see what the engine is doing may give a clue. intermittent faults are frustrating to say the least.

Fri 06 May 2016 @ 09:35 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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Miss fire

Hi Mike,don't forget that the running volts is 6 volt because of the resister.Cheers Jim.


Fri 06 May 2016 @ 20:21 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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Hi Mike,

After all that I have said about this misfire do you have electronic ign. fitted ??



Sun 08 May 2016 @ 19:45 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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