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Pricing Bedford Campervan?

Hi all, I have a question about how to price my Bedford for sale.
I already have people interested so this is NOT an advert for sale - I just don't know how much it is worth or even 'what' it is as it belonged to a family member who has sadly passed.

I know its a Bedford CF with an A-reg plate but I am not at my mums to see the log book for any further details. Having looked online I have found a picture that looks exactly like ours (Just a different paint scheme)
This is the picture. I repeat, this is not our campervan, just a picture for reference to possibly identify ours.

Ours passed its MOT in June so it is still running to my knowledge (I don't drive)
The inside is customised with interior wood panelling, a Wood Burner/Chimney, Gas Cooker, Gas powered Fridge and toilet area with porta-potty. Also has bunk beds where the bottom pulls out into a double bed and a custom build sturdy roof rack & ladder to access it.

Do you guys think these sorts of customization's are likely to help it's value anything? What do Bedford owners normally look for when pricing their campervans for sale?

Any ideas or opinions would be very appreciated, thankyou x

Sorry if anyone is offended by my using this forum to ask these kinds of questions, if it is not allowed just delete, thankyou x
Mon 07 Oct 2013 @ 12:37 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
Card Holder
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pricing can be a problem as there is nothing to compare to..

what do you have in mind as a price .

Mon 07 Oct 2013 @ 18:53 View Gethin   Email Gethin   Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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Any pics of yours? Condition ? Mileage etc ?
And what sort of price do you think it's worth?


Tue 08 Oct 2013 @ 08:13 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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No pictures because it isn't being kept at my property and I forgot to take pictures when I was there last >.<
The clock says 100k miles, it was an ex-service vehicle and wasn't road registered until 1993. We've had it since 1997 and only really used it for our twice-yearly holidays.
Condition is great, starts up fine and my dad was a mechanic so he knew how to look after it.

We've had an offer of £1000, guess I'll have to take it (well, push to 1300 ;P) as it has to go by the end of the week as its not taxed/insured and council are on our asses with nowhere to store it past their deadline.

Thanks for trying, but I guess this post is irrelevant now as its gotta go now - I was hoping for more time.
Admins, can you delete please? x
Tue 08 Oct 2013 @ 11:54 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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There is no easy answer to this.

Could be worth £5 or several thousand.

Self converted vans are often a difficult proposition and so much depends on the quality of the workmanship, the layout, the facilities etc.

Is it registered as a campervan?
Is it Petrol or Diesel?
Auto or Manual transmission?
Is it dry inside?
Mileage: Bear in mind that as an ex commercial vehicle it has likely gone round the clock a time or two!

If you are not under pressure to move it, I would suggest you take time to explore current prices on the Net. I see the pic you posted was from a traveller site. That may be a way forward to look at how other similar vans are fitted out and the prices being asked. Research is the thing. Look at every sales site you can find and even commercial vehicle sites.

You will need plenty of good pics., interior and exterior for prospective buyers to look at. If you were Buying, that is what you would want!

Best of Luck,

Tue 08 Oct 2013 @ 12:12 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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There is no easy answer to this.

Could be worth £5 or several thousand.

Self converted vans are often a difficult proposition and so much depends on the quality of the workmanship, the layout, the facilities etc.

Is it registered as a campervan?
Is it Petrol or Diesel?
Auto or Manual transmission?
Is it dry inside?
Mileage: Bear in mind that as an ex commercial vehicle it has likely gone round the clock a time or two!

If you are not under pressure to move it, I would suggest you take time to explore current prices on the Net. I see the pic you posted was from a traveller site. That may be a way forward to look at how other similar vans are fitted out and the prices being asked. Research is the thing. Look at every sales site you can find and even commercial vehicle sites.

You will need plenty of good pics., interior and exterior for prospective buyers to look at. If you were Buying, that is what you would want!

Best of Luck,

Tue 08 Oct 2013 @ 12:23 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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hello ive just bought one of these. It really stumped me as well as mine is a1981 cf 350 with the vauxhall 2.3 slant 4 petrol which would suggest mk1, but it has a plastic grille and 5 gears?!?. The reason you cant find many that look like your mums is because fom what ive read it would have been converted into a minibus by Dormobile. So that may not be very much help, but ive been searching and can hardly find anything on these so they must be relatively rare conversions.
Fri 11 Oct 2013 @ 01:23 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
Colin Birch
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Smith2feeble wrote:
It really stumped me as well as mine is a1981 cf 350 with the vauxhall 2.3 slant 4 petrol which would suggest mk1, but it has a plastic grille and 5 gears?!?.

What you have is a CF1 facelift. The facelift model was produced between 1980 and 1884. It looked like the CF2 but had all CF1 engines etc.

The reason you cant find many that look like your mums is because fom what ive read it would have been converted into a minibus by Dormobile. So that may not be very much help, but ive been searching and can hardly find anything on these so they must be relatively rare conversions.

Have a look at the brochures section HERE Your's looks to me like the one on the second page.

Colin Birch - CF-UK Admin
Pontypridd, S.Wales
The Bedford CF Web Site

Fri 11 Oct 2013 @ 09:00 View Colin Birch   Email Colin Birch   Colin Birch Home Page   Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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