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Fridge needed.

Hello chaps and chappettes.
I'm after a replacement fridge for my '79 sleeper, are they specific
sized for the CF, or will any old caravan salvaged one do?

I've got a 3 way separate fridge, but I can chill twice as much beer and bacon
if there's one in the 'van as well!



Wed 10 Jul 2013 @ 19:49 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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Hi Tony the caravan one's are the same I used a old fridge from my caravan.


Wed 10 Jul 2013 @ 20:26 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
Colin Birch
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Might be worth you having a look at this lot :- They are in Blaenavon so not too far from you.

Colin Birch - CF-UK Admin
Pontypridd, S.Wales
The Bedford CF Web Site

Wed 10 Jul 2013 @ 20:46 View Colin Birch   Email Colin Birch   Colin Birch Home Page   Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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Thanks chaps.

I was hoping a c/van might fit, my dear ol' Mater
has offered me one from her old 'van, I'll claim
it now.
(Hope she doesn't knock my inheritance down though!)
Fri 12 Jul 2013 @ 21:13 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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there are loads on ebay both 2way and 3way.

they all basically the same size

the only difference is the addition of 240v on the 3way fridge.

make sure that you fit an exhaust vent slightly higher than the exhaust vent on the fridge or it wont work and you will fill the van up with co2 when on gas
Sat 13 Jul 2013 @ 19:32 View Gethin   Email Gethin   Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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One tip I can give you is to turn it upside down for 24 hour prior to fitting to mix the chemicals works a treat.


Mon 15 Jul 2013 @ 09:44 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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Got a fridge, a 3 way one.

The breakers were all out, and a new one's the thick end of 400 quid!
Ebay to the rescue!!!
Plugged it into the mains, that works, just need to test the 12amp and
get it plumbed into the gas, and we're done.
No more warm beer for me!

Tue 16 Jul 2013 @ 14:10 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
Colin Birch
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Just remember, 12v should only be used when traveling. It's better to wire the fridge through a relay so you can't leave it on 12v with the engine off or you'll flatten your battery in no time.

Colin Birch - CF-UK Admin
Pontypridd, S.Wales
The Bedford CF Web Site

Tue 16 Jul 2013 @ 15:13 View Colin Birch   Email Colin Birch   Colin Birch Home Page   Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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Colin Birch wrote:
Just remember, 12v should only be used when traveling. It's better to wire the fridge through a relay so you can't leave it on 12v with the engine off or you'll flatten your battery in no time.

Ok, will do that^^^^^^.

I've just had a chap round to price up the fitting and plumbing in of said fridge. He'll also check the hob.
He's after £200 all in, including any bits and bobs.

Unfortunately the exhaust vent is on the wrong side, so I'll need a new hole for that, plus he said as it's a newer fridge that puts out more heat, I'll need 2 air vents as well, (though he said he'd combine the exhaust and air vents at the top.)
The poor old van will look like a swiss cheese by the time he's finished!!!

Has anyone else paid someone to fit one? I'm thinking it's not extortionate, as there'll be a few quid for fittings, vent covers and wiring etc, but it's hardly cheap either.
I'll ring around tomorrow, but in the meantime does anyone know of anywhere I might save a few quid and still get a decent and safe job done?

I know I could cut and fit the vents and run the cables, but that leaves half a job for someone else, and will it save me much if anything as I'd have to pay for the vents etc. up front.

Cheers, Tony.

Tue 16 Jul 2013 @ 20:14 Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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vent covers are easily available on ebay and you need need a separate exhaust vent for the gas though...

Sounds a bit steep £200 as there is not a lot of work in fitting said fridge.

gas pipe connections can be checked with soapy water sprayed on them,if it bubbles then its leaking .

Tue 16 Jul 2013 @ 20:27 View Gethin   Email Gethin   Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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tony wrote:
....does anyone know of anywhere I might save a few quid and still get a decent and safe job done?

I know I could cut and fit the vents and run the cables, but that leaves half a job for someone else, and will it save me much if anything as I'd have to pay for the vents etc. up front.

I would imagine the majority of that 200 would be labour costs so if you're confident enough to do the whole job then just get it tested by this guy,you should save a fair bit.


Tue 16 Jul 2013 @ 20:31 View bluebedouin   Email bluebedouin   Edit this messageQuote this messagePMQuote this message
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